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发布时间:2024-10-03 点击量:110



想想天天上下班,也就停车两次,两次停车的时间加起来还不到一分钟,可是突然有一天你会发现你的停车操作是如此熟练,以至于你都不用想,一下子就把车停好了!为什么?因为这个操作酿成了你的本能,本能的行动和行为是不需要思考的,就像走路一样,就那么自然而然地完成了!英语的学习也是一样,只要你天天坚持练下去,哪怕只练5分钟,然后突然有一天,你会发现你也能脱口而出英语了!英语中最常用的基础单词也就一千个(需要"最常用1000个英语基础单词"电子版的朋侪可以关注我,并在文章下方的评论区留言“单词”,然后我会私信发给你),只要你能通过天天碎片式的训练,并把这些单词酿成你的本能,你就具备了流利说英语的能力了!只要你坚持记单词和阅读,并养成一种习惯,尤其是这1000个基础单词,你就能不停提升并最终把英语学好!记单词最好的方法是以句子为学习工具,通过句子所提供的语境来明白单词的用法,从而记着单词。为了便于大家学习,本文汇总了最后一百个第401~500个单词的影象语境(实用句子),使你可以轻松掌握这些单词的用法,不再伶仃记单词,希望能通过这种方法资助你轻松学会这些最常用的单词的用法,并记着这些很是实用的句子。I don't agree with you. 我差别意你.She is holding the baby in her arms. 她正抱着婴儿。

She is a mother of three. 她是三个孩子的妈妈。Let's go across the street. 我们过马路吧。

He was doing quite well. 他体现得相当不错。I can do anything for you. 我为你什么都愿意做。I live in the university town. 我住在大学城。

Let the past be the past. 已往的就让它已往吧。In my point of view, she is wonderful. 在我看来,她人特好。We live in a socialist society. 我们生活在一个社会主义社会里。

I manage two shops for my boss currently. 我现在为老板治理着两家店。Answer the phone please. 请接一下电话。

let's have a break now. 我们休息一下吧。I have a meeting to organize this afternoon. 我有一个集会要组织一下。

We have been chatting for one and a half hours. 我们已经攀谈了一个半小时。Another electric car caught fireyesterday. 昨天又有一辆电动车着火了。

The boy was lost in the crowd. 小男孩在人群中迷路了。Everybody seems busy in making money. 每小我私家似乎都忙于赚钱。Can you stop complaining for God's sake? 看在老天爷的份上,你别诉苦了行吗?what's the actual oil consumption of your car? 你的车的实际油耗是几多?Sorry to say, but we are already over. 歉仄,我们已经完了。

You need to put more effort into your study. 你得越发努力学习。I can't wait anymore. 我等不及了。

He just moved to the sales department. 他刚调到了销售部。He is able to speak two languages. 他能说两门语言。Can't you see that tt's a political matter? 岂非你不明确这是个政治问题吗?It's never too old to learn. 活到老学到老。

She has a very beautiful voice. 她嗓音很美。Nobody can live without air. 人脱离空气就没法活。Let's go there together. 我们一起去吧。Shall we do it again? 我们再来一次吗?Can you cover me for a moment? 你能替我一会吗?We have nothing in common. 我们没什么配合之处。

Let's change the subject. 我们换个话题吧。It's a draw again. 又平局了。

The sexy girl's boyfriend is so short. 那位性感玉人的男朋侪个子真矮。His wife divorced him. 他妻子跟他仳离了。It's my treat today. 今天我请客。You need to find out where your limit is. 你得找到自己的极限在哪儿。

there is a bus stop across the road. 路劈面有一个公交站。People don't write letters often these days. 最近人们不怎么写信了。What color do you like most? 你最喜欢什么颜色?You'd better stand behind me,because it's dangerous out there. 你最好站在我后面,因为那里很危险。

That factory produces microchips. 谁人工厂制造芯片。I will send you an email later. 我一会儿给你发邮件。She can't understand technical terms. 她不懂技术术语。What's the total cost of operating your factory?运营你工厂的总用度是几多?Most kids want to go to a good university to study. 大部门孩子想去好大学上学。

you won't the the sun rise tomorrow. 你明天看不到太阳升起。we are in the 21st century right now. 我们正处于21世纪。


Failure is the mother of success. 失败是乐成之母。Even kids know that an hour has sixty minutes. 纵然是小孩都知道一小时有60分钟。I remember you. 我记得你。

He beat her in the head on purpose. 他居心打她的头的。He passed the test finally. 他最终通过考试了。

I don't wanna fight with anyone. 我不想跟任何人打架。I don't watch TV much. 我不怎么看电视。We are in a difficult situation at the moment. 我们当前的处境很难题。

She is from the south. 她来自南方。I met her for the first time seven years ago. 我七年前第一次见到她。That doesn't make any difference. 并不能改变什么。

The product is at the design stage. 产物处于设计阶段。Her father has passed away. 她父亲已经去世了。He seated himself at the table. 他坐在了桌子旁。

It's time for the children to take a rest. 该让孩子们休息了。He can't bear to be laughed at. 他无法忍受遭人讽刺。

He wasted an entire day in playing cards with his friends. 他浪费了整整一天跟他朋侪打牌。I have to to go to the market. 我必须去趟市场。I need to prepare for the test. 我得准备考试。

Can you explain how to operate this machine a little bit more slowly? 你能再慢一点解释一下怎么操作这台机械吗?I will make him an offer (that) he can't refuse. 我给他报了个他无法拒绝的价钱。I planted three trees in my back yard. 我在后院种了三棵树。He is in charge of the design. 他管设计。The injured old man is lying on the ground. 受伤的老人正躺在地上。

China is developing its west now. 中国在开发西部。Can you take a picture of us? 你能给我们照张相吗?He works really hard. 他事情很是努力。I sit right in front of her. 我就坐在她前面。

He lay in bad all day long. 他在床上躺了一整天。Stress is a major problem of modern life. 压力是现代生活中的主要问题。The skies are growing dark. 天徐徐黑了。


He can float on the surface of the water. 他可以浮在水面上。We should obey the rules. 我们应遵守规则。Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman. 死刑已往被认为是非人道的。

Can I have a dance with you? 我可以和你跳支舞吗?they live together in peace. 他们宁静共处,住在一起。Have you ovserved any changes? 你注意到什么变化了吗?He has a bright future. 他有着灼烁的未来。

She leaned against the wall. 她靠着墙。I used to work on a farm. 我已往曾在农场事情。

He claimed to be an expert. 他自称为专家。The bed you bought for me is very firm. 你给我买的床很结实。

there is something wrong with your operation. 你的操作有问题。I am afraid that we need further negotiation. 恐怕我们需要进一步的协商。His blood pressure is abnormal. 他的血压不正常。

Do not damage other people's property. 别损坏别人的财物。Tom is not a morning person Tom. 汤姆起得不早。His salary amounts to 1 million. 他的人为高达100万。They climbed to the top of the mountain. 他们爬到了山顶。

Let's play outside! It'll be more fun. 我们到外面玩吧!会更好玩儿的。以上就是本篇的第401到第500个的最常用的100个单词和100个很是实用的实用句子。语言的学习离不开点滴的积累,天天通过例句来影象单词并掌握其用法,将其随时随地应用到日常生活中的听、说、读、写中,就像你天天都在使用汉语一样。



